Blockers Family Entertainment

Blockers Family Entertainment is a rising star in the world of music and entertainment. The company, which was founded in Oakland, California, is making waves with their unique sound and innovative approach to the industry. As a record label, Blockers Family Entertainment has signed some of the most promising up-and-coming artists in the business, offering them a platform to showcase their talents and make their mark on the world.

But the company's reach goes beyond just music. Blockers Family Entertainment is also involved in other areas of the entertainment industry, from film to television to live events. Their innovative and creative approach to entertainment has earned them a loyal fanbase and the attention of industry insiders.

At the heart of Blockers Family Entertainment is a commitment to diversity and inclusivity. The company's founders, who were themselves raised in Oakland, understand the importance of representing a wide range of voices and perspectives in their work. They strive to create an environment where artists from all backgrounds can thrive and make their mark on the world.

With their unique sound, commitment to diversity, and innovative approach to entertainment, Blockers Family Entertainment is a force to be reckoned with in the industry. As they continue to grow and expand their reach, there's no doubt that they'll continue to make a lasting impact on the world of music and entertainment.

Our Artists



R.E.D.D a singer, rapper and songwriter born in Houston, Texas, to immigrant parents from Dominica and Saint Croix. The first R.E.D.D was on stage was when he was 6 years old. That was when he knew that was where he belonged and that was the life he wanted. He was inspired by Michael Jackson and Chris Brown and mostly writes about real life circumstances, heartbreak, partying, life's highs and lows and ultimately.....the come up! R.E.D.D enjoys painting a picture and telling his stories with his lyrics. His musical style is mostly R&B, Trap, Boom Rap and Reggae.

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